ARBOOK SPEAKING (Augmented Reality Book for Survival Speaking with a Perspective of Intercultural Communicative Language Teaching) 

Society 5.0 requires a person to master the four highest skills in solving complex problems: critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication. However, the facts show that there is still a gap between the mastery of communication skills of prospective university graduates in Indonesia, especially the English language education and (literature) major, and the needs of Society 5.0. Moreover, students tend not to speak English because of their lack of understanding of language and culture, unintegrated cultural aspects in learning, and no textbook of speaking skills integrating language and cultural approach, as well as the integration of digital technology to support independent learning.

The book presents augmented reality-based textbooks (ARbook) for survival speaking courses with the perspective of Intercultural Communicative Language Teaching. The book is expected to bring the experience of communicating between cultures to students, provide guidance on how to teach English speaking skills by integrating culture with lecturers, and facilitate online and self-regulated learning.